
Who would have thought that freedom, equality, democracy, non-compulsion and the overall prioritising of children’s happiness and wellbeing over their academic achievements would have survived the rigidity of our educational system for over a century?

Yet, here we are, against all odds, not just surviving but thriving! We are celebrating 100 years of Summerhill School and the inspirations A.S.Neill has given the world, sending out a loud message that “being on the side of the child” should be the first tenet of our society!

In this historic moment, we are reaching out to all people who share similar values within education, childrearing and their communities and we are inviting you all to the Summerhill Festival of Childhood to have fun, connect, share ideas, co-create, celebrate and band together for a more humane and sustainable future for us all.

This family-friendly event will take place in the heart of the beautiful English countryside, within walking distance from Summerhill School itself! Individuals, initiatives and organisations from all over the world will be delivering talks, performances, concerts, workshops and so much more within a relaxed, warm and inspiring atmosphere.

We are deeply moved by the response and incredible support that so many people have shown towards this event; from the amazing international team of volunteers that have been with us since the beginning, the participants of the Online Festival of Childhood in October 2021 and the incredible motivation of so many organisations and initiatives to join our in-person celebrations in August!

We are thrilled with the potential this event has to unite, spread and underpin everyone’s actions towards protecting children’s rights and prioritising happiness and wellbeing during childhood. We look forward to meeting you all, having a wonderful time and looking ahead to the future of education and childrearing together, feeling more connected, supported and confident than ever before!


How much do the tickets cost?

Adult (18 and above)

  • Adult 6 Days Full Ticket
  • Student 6 Days Full Ticket

Child (4-17 years)

  • 6 Days Full Ticket
  • Child (0-3 years)

Day Tickets

  • Adult Day Ticket
  • Child Day Ticket

Accommodation in your own tent is included. Food is not included, but  we will have a variety of food and other vendors on site at the festival.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to FAQ you can find here: